"It's my second date with Vancouver, you know what that means?
I get to suck your dick!"
"Do you think I'm sexy Vancouver? Because I think I'm sexy"
"Go ahead, make out with the person next to you, don't worry if its not your preferred sex...cause it a rock concert!"
The concert was visual stunning. My and my friend got seperate seats cause we were only allowed to purchase one ticket at a time in the presale or something, but I was lucky enough to find someone in my row that was also alone and that wanted to switch, so we got to sit together. Plus it was her birthday, so we were just rocking it out. Utterly awesome. Totally overthrows the concert I went to the day before (Stereos, don't ask, but honestly, they're the prettiest band I've ever seen, I was literally taken aback by the total band hotness level haha. And I met Midway State lead singer Nathan Ferraro). But yes, Lady Gaga sure know's how to throw a show. I really liked Semi Precious Weapons too, they're so grunge-rock-club-kids-new-york. Plus they were giving people sips of champagne on stage, and the lead singer changed his costumes on stage as well, haha.
But now back to your regular broadcast systems, my finals are over (YAY!) and it's time for SNOWWWW. But to keep you all entertained...

clockwise from top left
• studded zipper hoodie
• runaway bondage boots
• sonia rykiel for H&M tank
• H&M PU crystallized heels
• H&M PU satchel
It looks amazing!!! So lucky you went! & great items you've picked out! The SR tanktop is on it's way to me! =]
Sooo lucky that you got to see Lady Gaga in concert!
My friend went to her concert in Singapore and from the photos, she looked fabulous as well!
I love the studded zipper hoodie very much!!!
GAGA rocks!!
SR top is great!
Cool photos of Gaga btw.
X, fashionnerdic.
wowwwwwww that concert was soooo amazing. . ..well from what I remember that is. haha
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