Watched an awesome yet low budget and sort of corny indie movie called Teenage Dirtbag and was blown away that it had me tearing up and everything! At times the dialogue is crap, and all of a sudden, it gets emotionally poetic and genius. Plus, Scott Michael Foster from Greek is in it, and I have a TV crush on him haha. Seriously, watch it.
rings urban outfitters, wet seal, the bay / bracelet fashionology
I'll leave with a lovely quote from said movie.
"Mad. Mad thoughts. Crazy, twisted, sinewy. Mad obsession. You sicken me. You're so beautiful, love. I grind you into a fine, soft powder and inhale you... Lick you off of my fingers. You love, answer me. Your face brings me death every day... And every day I can't wait to die. Bury me now, love. Bury me now..." Amazing right?
Lace and see-through mesh button up, it's my attempt to try and be summery and colourful haha. Sorry, no matter how hot or humid, I will always be wearing black, and sometimes I feel like some black cloud amongst all the other people walking around in short shorts and colourful florals and whatnot, oh well...
To my surprise, while browsing through online shops, I found out that Urban Outfitters finally lowered it's shipping rates to Canada, and it's about freaking time, I mean seriously, they actually thought that people from Canada were gonna pay $60 USD for shipping?! They finally got slapped with the reasonable stick and are now charging a $10 flat-rate and free shipping over $150 purchase. ABOUT TIME! Here's some stuff that I can see owning in the near future, which I'll have to buy online because most of these items are only available online... via Urban Outfitters.
And I just got that double finger ring from there recently and it's been my favorite, can't go anywhere without it. The only problem is that my skin is super sensitive towards copper metals, causing my skin to turn green when wearing cheap jewelery, so it's made my fingers green and the silver coating has faded with sucks. But here's a trick to save cheap jewelery from fading out! Coat it with a layer of clear nail polish. Did the trick for me :)
And over the last few weeks I went to a couple of concerts... First off, my friend won tickets to Faber Drive so I accompanied her, but yeah, I'm not really into that type of music, plus there were way to many little kids everywhere going crazy, so I don't think it's worthy of a mention, but apparently I learned that I look 15 according to the kids there lol. The other show I went to was The Temper Trap. It was utterly amazing. The atmosphere was great, everyone was enjoying it and I genuinely had a great time. First off, Elizabeth opened for them, and they were pretty good. I did a little recon before the show and listened to some of their stuff and they give off a sort of Joy Division/Interpol sound. Definitely give them a listen. The Bassist who I adored haha. The lead singer with his Electric Flute Piano thing... Next up was The Temper Trap and they were, I say again, amazing! Definitely a great concert, and they played all the songs that I wanted, and the Drum Song, which is my favorite, was superbly epic. The lead singer had his own tom and cymbal setup in the middle of the stage and when it was time, he poured water all over the drum and started pounding at it, which made a really water display.
Apparently I got a DMCA complaint on this post so if you like any of the songs, shoot me an email. Well now I'm reeling from an authority complex now *shakes head*